Vinyl and CD Price Guide for : Benny Latimore

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Dade Records 45-2013
US - 1967
Uncommon disc but not very rare
$47.00 - $65.00
Atlantic DAD-NP 19001
Italy - 1967
Very Common, Recent release or Reissue
$32.00 - $44.00
Dade Records 45-2013
US - 1967
Uncommon disc but not very rare
$48.00 - $66.00
Producciones Fermata 3F-0376
Argentina - 1971
Medium Rare
$70.00 - $97.00
Dade Records 45-2013
US - 1967
Uncommon disc but not very rare
$60.00 - $82.00
Velvet 5963
Venezuela - N/A
Medium Rare
$140.00 - $193.00
Blade Records 701
US - 1966
Very Common, Recent release or Reissue
$33.00 - $46.00
Blade Records 701
US - N/A
Very Common, Recent release or Reissue
$31.00 - $43.00
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